Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monkey Mugs

Back when I was in college I would spend countless nights working on my thesis (50 thrown and altered/ carved bowls) until the wee hours of the morning. At times I would get tired of carving, and being the middle of the night with a huge amount of pressure to get my work finished I would be a little, well, crazy. On one of those nights I compulsively started making monkey mugs. With banana handles.  They were hand built from low-fire clay and glazed brightly with majolica. They were very cartoonish, crude, and weird. The monkey mugs were definitely a change from my usual work! 
As I've begun to take my pottery more seriously and have been trying to produce work, my mind keeps revisiting those monkey mugs. The other night I was sitting in my studio wondering what to make. Here's what came out:

I sort of love it. I think I'll make more! Maybe going crazy in the middle of the night has its benefits.

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