Sunday, June 19, 2011

Coffee addiction pays off...

I recently went to Peet's Coffee to get my daily fix. Peet's is one of my favorites, I've been going there a long time. Usually when I get coffee I use one of MY handmade mugs-  it saves me a little money, it's environmental, and it's free advertising. If anybody says, "I like your mug!" I say, "Thank you, I made it!" and I hand them a business card.
This last time I went in the manager asked me if I'd be interested in selling my mugs at Peet's. Um, YES!  I will have a table set up at Peet's Coffee on 29th Street (located off Canyon and 29th), July 10th, starting at 12 PM. All mug purchases will get a free cup of coffee! As a further bonus for anybody who reads this, mention this blog and get 10% off!

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