Thursday, February 24, 2011

Artist of the Week: Jeanne Quinn

Jeanne Quinn was one of the visiting artists mentioned in this post. While she was talking to my class I remember her saying, "I just like to make pretty things." It seems like a very simple statement until you see the  things she creates! Many of the pieces are very large, extremely detailed, and ornate. What stuck in my mind the most about Jeanne was how passionate she was about art, and how strongly she believed in her visions and ideas.

This is a piece called Perfect Lover. It is made with Q-tips and glazed porcelain. Each piece was meticulously placed to create a symmetrical design. 

This piece is titled A Thousand Tiny Deaths. There wasn't an artist statement, but from the pictures it seems like the black porcelain pieces are suspended by a string tied to a balloon which is holding the ceramic piece. As the balloons deflate, the ceramic pieces crash and break below. This is stunning. I LOVE the black porcelain (I'm going to look into how to color porcelain clay bodies!), and I love the concept of the exquisite pieces breaking. I can only imagine how amazing it would be to experience a piece falling!

For more information on Jeanne Quinn and her art:
American Craft Magazine interviewed Jeanne Quinn HERE
Find her website at

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