Deep breath... Whew...! It has been a crazy few weeks and I keep reminding myself to breathe.
About two weeks ago I received an email asking if I wanted to participate in a market that I had been on the wait list for. The organizers decided to open up an extra area. This is a market that I have applied for many times (and have been politely rejected), so of course I seized the opportunity to participate! I was in bed on the following Thursday night settling my thoughts and I realized HOLY CRAP! THE MARKET IS ONE WEEK AWAY! For some reason I was thinking I had more time. So I had a week to get as much work finished as possible, make tags, price everything, get a tax license, figure out my display.... By the time the day before the show arrived I was probably clinically insane.
Saturday morning my dad arrived early early to help me bring everything to the market. Everyone there was buzzing and the excitement was in the air. I was pleased with my display! In the future I would love to have more work (and more time to create it!) and so another shelf or two, but for what I had it was perfect.